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What even is the "girlfriend experience" and what makes it your specialty? - Ayla Answers

Hello and welcome to the first of (what I hope will become) a series called Ayla Answers.

The girlfriend experience is a nebulous concept that seems to have sprung up from those seeking something something different to its sister, the porn star experience. PSE and GFE, respectively, are essentially different styles of dates and experiences that vary depending on the limits or restrictions of the worker offering them. Typically, the porn star experience is centered around having sex in myriad positions with endless energy that frankly I'm terribly impressed by. Sometimes PSE includes anal along with multiple positions, but the thing that seems to define the PSE is the classic explosive finish all over the worker's face and/or tits at the end. I say typically and everything, please keep in mind that in this industry YMMV is the name of the game here and you have to shop around to find what you're looking for and be willing to pay for it. Now, enough about the PSE, GFE's older sister. The girlfriend experience is what you're here for. The following will be about my personal definition of the girlfriend experience as this is ultimately meant to answer this question for potential clients. From here on out, please note that this is not the definitive definition of girlfriend experience.

All disclaimers and context done,

What even is the "girlfriend experience" and what makes it your specialty?

Well. That heading was unnecessary.

According to yours truly, the girlfriend experience is frankly everything I offer (and therefore my specialty) because I don't know how to turn it off. I can theoretically do straight bng or quickie appointments but they're certainly not my favourite kind of appointment. I love when we get to talk, snuggle up, let the tension build. This isn't to say I delay getting to the sexy bits, just that I find more enjoyment in my work when I'm allowed to work the way my magic goes! I interpret girlfriend experience as developing a connection between provider and client where we can explore that space between stranger and confidant, between fuckbuddy and advisor, between plus one and your favourite little secret. To put it another way, the girlfriend experience is a mutually beneficial relationship that develops beyond acquaintances in both the bedroom and outside it, where both parties are happy with what they're receiving from the arrangement. Just like keeping a regular girlfriend happy with gifts, compliments, and dates, these too are part of the girlfriend experience. I see myself as the girlfriend you can hit pause with, where we can pick up where we left off without it affecting our relationship negatively. Respectful communication is obviously required for this, but honestly if you're looking for this type of relationship you typically are the type to understand that dropping off the radar without a word isn't the best way to handle changes to your life. The girlfriend experience isn't centered around sex, though it of course is a vital component, but is more centered around comfort. More indulgent, sensual experiences happen when everyone's relaxed, unrushed. It's just a fact that we're going to enjoy ourselves more when we're both not looking at the clock and just letting things happen as they do. As I said above, I enjoy myself more when we take time with each other. My dates tend to include lots of kissing, caressing, but if you're shopping for a list of acronyms posted on PERB, I'll let you have the following: dfk, daty, cbj, msog. Now, that being said, if you're shopping for acronyms, please take your leave as I want someone here for the vibes, as it were, not a checklist. I am not a restaurant with a menu where you can ask for the exact same meal every time. I am an experience of Michelin star quality and you will treat me as such! God that felt pretentious but really, treat me respectfully and listen to my no, and we'll get on just dandy.

I think I've rambled on enough for today, so let's leave it at that! Don't forget that if you enjoyed this, I deeply appreciate it when you tell me so with either a note or gift.

Without wax,


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